Findon Furlong
The Parish of Findon, Clapham and Patching
Walking together in the way of Christ and sharing his love with others
Welcome to our Parish Website
Our Service Times
Regular weekly services at each church are listed below.
For the latest information on services for the current/next month, click on the link.
If you are unable to attend church and would like a visit, please contact the Parish Office.
Tel: 01903 873601
St John the Baptist, Findon
8.00 am Traditional Communion, First and Third Sunday
10.00 am Music-led worship, First Sunday
9.30 am Sung Eucharist, Second, Third (less formal) and Fourth Sunday
St Mary the Virgin, Clapham
8.00 am Traditional Communion, Second Sunday
10.00 am Sung Eucharist, Third Sunday
St John the Divine, Patching
8.00 am Traditional Communion, Fourth Sunday
10.00 am Sung Eucharist, First Sunday
If there is a Fifth Sunday in the month,
there is an 8.00 am traditional communion at Findon and
a mid-morning Eucharist which rotates around the churches.
There is a said Eucharist in Findon Church at 10.00am every Tuesday
and Morning Prayer every Wednesday and Friday at 9.00am.
Rev Helena Buqué, Vicar, and Rev Colin Cox, Associate Vicar
c/o The Rectory, School Hill, Findon, BN14 0TR
Tel: 01903 873601
Our churches are open.
for private prayer.
Everyone is welcome to visit.
Opening times
St John the Baptist, Findon:
10am to 3.30pm Tuesdays to Sundays
St Mary the Virgin, Clapham:
Daily from 10am to 4pm (access through South Door)
St John the Divine, Patching,
10am to 5pm daily