Findon Furlong
The Parish of Findon, Clapham and Patching
Walking together in the way of Christ and sharing his love with others
Welcome to our Parish Website
The Church of England and Diocese of Chichester websites are
a good source of podcasts, prayers, etc, including Family Worship,
Worship at Home and activities for children. Click on the logo.
Diocese of Chichester E-news can be read here .
Follow the Church of England on Facebook
Listen to or read the Prayer for the Day and join in with others saying these words each day:
​Chichester Cathedral
To visit the home page, click here.
You can follow services streamed live from the cathedral here.
For information on events and special services, click here.
Worthing Deanery
Visit the Worthing Deanery Facebook page for information on events at various churches within the area.
Deanery newsletter can be viewed here ..
Faith in Sussex - the Diocesan publication for church communities in Sussex.
The latest issue can be found on the Diocesan website:
Or download PDF here
(Please note that that although it says Issue 36 on the front cover, this is in fact the Summer issue.)
West Sussex Libraries, Community Support
Libraries are warm and welcoming places that everyone can visit free of charge and with no questions asked.
For more infromation about the support available in relation to the issues around the cost of living click here
Local Food Banks - helping local people in crisis.
Worthing Food Bank: information here.
Littlehampton & District Food Bank: information here.
Arun Community Transport is an organisation run by volunteers to drive people who find it difficult to access public transport. Arun Community Transport - Fundamentally Caring
Warm Spaces in Arun
Warm Spaces are somewhere you can go to keep warm and enjoy a little company. In some locations you will also be able to get refreshments, take part in activities and access advice and information about local services. More information here.
Universal Credit
The Together in Sussex website has important information about Universal Credit. At this time many people are trying to claim and may be having difficulties understanding the system. Please share this resource - you may never know who you have helped.
Bereavement Counselling
HD Tribe has introduced a new free bereavement counselling service. For further details, click here:
Worship resources at the end of the phone!
The Church of England has launched its free phone line of hymns, prayers and reflections. Call at any time of the day or night.