Findon Furlong
The Parish of Findon, Clapham and Patching
Walking together in the way of Christ and sharing his love with others
Welcome to our Parish Website
Our Team
Tel: 01903 873601 Email:
Reverend Helena Buqué
Reverend Colin Cox
Associate Vicar
Parish Office:
Wendy Dobbing, Administrator
Wendy is in the office Mondays (9am-12noon) and Fridays (9am-3pm).
(Please note: Mondays and Fridays are Helena's rest days.)
PCC Members
Helena Buque, Vicar, Chairman
Kath Hutchinson, Vice-Chairman & Church Warden Patching
Colin Cox, Associate Vicar
Michael Drakeford, Churchwarden Findon
Sian Fletcher, Churchwarden Clapham
Maggie Somerset, Churchwarden Clapham & Electoral Roll Officer
Irene Adams, Deanery Synod
John Haskey, Deanery Synod
Hilary Langford, Deanery Synod
Ann Hollyhomes, Safeguarding Officer,
Ian Hollyhomes, Parish Giving Scheme Administrator,
Jean Burden
Graham Langford,
Pauline Prior
John Scadgell
Gail Smith
Dominic Timm, Family Worker
Georgina Bond, PCC Secretary
(This page is currently being updated.)
Website Administrator
Liz Henderson:
If no other contact details are given,
the above can be contacted via the Parish Office.
Tel: 01903 873601 Email: