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Upcoming events.​​​​


Cinnamon Trust Christmas Fair, Saturday 7th December

Findon Village Hall from 10.00 to 12.30. 


St Andrew's Ferring Christmas Festival

Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th December. See poster here.


Walking Nativity in Findon, Tuesday 10th December

Starting at the Village Hall at 6.15pm, carols in the garden of the Gun Inn


‘Carols round the Coals’ at Patching Church, Monday 16th Dec

Starts at the Old Forge at 6.15pm, to follow the donkey to the churchyard. Father Christmas is expected too!


Carol singing with the Monarch’s Way Singers, Tuesday 17th Dec

Meeting outside the Post Office at 7pm


Carol singing with the residents of Clapham Lodge

Wednesday 18th December, 2.30pm


Family Carol Service with a Nativity Tableau, Sunday 22nd Dec

3pm in Findon Church


Christingle Service in Findon Church, Tuesday 24th December

3pm, in Findon Church​​​


Regular Activities


Messy Church

Findon Village Hall 3.30-5.30pm on the first Tuesday of the month (term time only) for crafts, activities, a talk and songs, all linked to a bible theme. To finish the session  we sit down for a meal together (£3 donation).

All children welcome with an accompanying adult.

To find out more, click here or contact Hilary Langford:; 


Lambstails, Toddler Group

For babies, toddlers and their parents/carers.

In Findon Village Hall on Tuesday mornings, 10.30am.

For more information contact Sue Stone:


Monday Afternoon Tea & Chat

The Monday afternoon "Tea & Chat" has re-started.

Findon Village 2pm.​


Tea @ 2, every Tuesday 2pm

Tea and biscuits at Clapham & Patching Village Hall, £1.

All welcome for a cuppa and a chat.


Light Lunch @ 1pm

In Findon Village Hall on the last Tuesday of the month (except August and December).  £6 for soup and a pudding.  All profits to charity. 

Everyone welcome from 12.45. 


Clapham & Patching Coffee Morning

Clapham and Patching Village Hall,

First Friday of the month at 10.30 am.

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